Visceral Reactions to Bird Dresses

One of my favourite places in the world is the Royal Ontario Museum. The ROM is “Canada’s largest museum and houses one of the world’s great permanent collections of art, cultural artifacts and natural history specimens.”  It was built in 1914 and houses 13...

The Tales We Tell…

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the art of reading aloud.  I say ‘art’ because I’m sure we all have memories of being read to as a child by someone who absolutely had zero desire to be doing such a thing, thus ruining the story for our tiny ears and burgeoning...

What I Read in 2018

What I Read In 2018 Yes, I know these posts usually come out in January, but that time of year is so over-saturated with lists and I figure you’ve probably just finished all the books you got for the holidays and are ready for something new.  So here we go… what I...