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A Dark Rollercoaster

This year has been a dark rollercoaster for me, as I’m sure it has been for many of you.  There have been moments of joy and connection for sure, but there has also been extreme sadness and fear. And before I go on, I think it only fair to say I’m going to get...

The Monsters of Our Imagination

On a cold drizzly day in November, I spent a warm hour, exploring the exhibit De monstris: An Exhibition of Monsters and the Wonders of Human Imagination, at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library in Toronto.  The exhibit explored the concept of ‘monster’ as it has...

Turning Around A Craptastic Day

Last Thursday started as an epically craptastic day. It was the culmination of several hellish days all converging in a big ball of epic hellfire.  The previous Saturday, so five days before the craptastic day, I came home to find a piece of paper shoved into the...